Procedures: Cosmetic Surgery [see all]

Lower Eyelid Blepharoplasty

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An oculofacial plastic surgeon is distinctly qualified to address puffiness and bags under the eyes. These bags and circles lend to looking older and fatigued, and are impossible to hide behind makeul. Genetics, variations in anatomy, excess sun exposure, aging and herniation of orbital fat can all be reasons why the problems exist. While there are many reasons for bags and circles to develop, it is important to know that our treatment approach also varies according to the needs of each individual. Applying expert knowledge, skill and state-of-the-art technology, Dr. Baylin will develop a customized plan that will bring you back to your natural, youthful appearance and create lasting results.

Types of Procedures

The treatment plan is based on the options that best address your individual concerns and anatomical features. Lower lid blepharoplasty is a general term that encompasses a variety of surgical techniques. Your surgery may involve removal or repositioning of herniated fat tissue, excessive skin, or a combination of both. To further enhance skin tightening and resurfacing, the application of a CO2 Laser may also be involved. While this brings phenomenal results, it is not appropriate for all skin types.  Dr. Baylin will discuss your best treatment options with you in detail at the time of your consultation.


Although they are often confused with one another, lower lid bags and festoons are two entirely different issues. Bags are mostly formed by fat tissue and/or excessive skin and are located just beneath the eyes. In contrast, festoons are pockets of fluid that form on or above the cheekbones, giving the appearance of a “second bag”. Due to the differences in location and cause, treatment of bags and festoons require a solid knowledge of anatomy and a great deal of experience by the surgeon to deliver a successful, yet natural appearing outcome.

Post-Operative Scarring

Most often, a lower lid blepharoplasty involves an interior lid incision, leaving no visible scars. The interior tissue of the eyelid also tends to heal very quickly and without complications. If the best surgical approach to reach your most desired outcome does require an incision on the outside of the eyelid, it is obscured beneath the lash line and virtually undetectable.


Lower lid blepharoplasty is normally performed on an outpatient basis under a local anesthesia with sedation. This type of anesthesia is also known as Monitored Anesthesia Care (MAC) and is performed by an anesthesiologist. Benefits of a MAC include: greater comfort, fast recovery, much lower risk of nausea after surgery and does not require intubation.


This surgery is usually performed on an outpatient basis, so you will go home the same day. There is minimal pain after the procedure, although some discomfort is normal. Temporary blurred vision is normal and should subside within the first 24 hours. Ice packs are recommended for the first two days while bending and heavy lifting should be minimized. Swelling and bruising around to eyes may last up to seven to ten days. Most patients can return to work after one week.  CO2 laser resurfacing will take 2 weeks to heal before makeup can be worn.

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